Pushing For Excellence

While reading the book, “The Magic of Thinking Big”, by David J. Schwartz; he mentions several times the importance of being better than you were the day before.  Excellence is the specific word used in the text, it’s so easy to be petty and selfish because we live in a world where it’s tolerated and excused in one sense or another.  To be excellent, to acknowledge your wrongs and to learn from them if we could each apply this concept, what a wonderful world it would be.  What I’ve learned is that being excellent is a daily process and we never quite get it but we must try.   So many times I have the urge to blow my top and act like a coconut. LOL! I don’t in most cases; I really want to give people a positive experience when they come in contact with me.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a client, friend, family or a random person on the street.  I’m determined to present myself with an attitude of excellence.  What do you think? If we’d all give it a go – what type of impact do you think we’d have on all those we encounter? Think about it!

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