· We've been gone for a few months, in the kitchen thinking of new ways we can share and work with you. I'm so happy to introduce to you this amazing mompreneur. Meet Latoya Nicole Mason and be inspired by her tips, experience and advice on how she manages life, family, school and business. It's my pleasure to introduce to you Latoya Mason.
Name of
Company: Nikki Noelle Events and Design
Years in
Business: 5 years
- WHY: Tell us why you started your business/blog – etc: My first project was a diaper cake I made for a friend. I enjoyed making it so much that I started doing more and posting them. Then people started requesting them and it just started as a thing. It has now grown into event planning and shoe embellishments.
- When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher, not sure why
- What was your first business idea? Diaper cakes. That was what I was good at.
- What do you wish you knew before starting your business? It will take a long time to refine your skills.
- What did you learn from your worse boss? Always stand up for yourself or else you will get ran over!
- What’s your highest level of education? High School, currently pursuing Bachelor’s degree
- Who inspires you and why? Michelle Obama. I love her fashion style, just so classy. More importantly, I love the type of woman she is, how she loves Barack and the girls, how elegant she is, how poised she is, and just how real she is. I just love her.
- Top 3 books to reading? It seems right now all I have been reading are school related books or 3rd grade related books so I’ll get back to you on this one. Lol
- What are you currently reading? Second Chances by Pat Smith
- Let’s Talk About Business:
- What was your strangest marketing experiment? Walking around placing flyers on cars in the parking lot of a Babies R Us
- How do you maximize social media? I post as often as I can. But not an annoying amount even if it’s nothing to do with a product people just like to see you doing you they can relate to that.
- What did you learn from your biggest failure? PLAN! Plan before you purchase I have wasted so much money on unnecessary purchases.
- How important is it for you to do your best? Very! My name and reputation is on the line. If it’s not my best work, I’ll start over. I’ve been up overnight working on products before.
- How do you feel about failures? What does it mean to fail? To fail only means you haven’t figured out a way. I can accept failure; I will never accept defeat.
- Any money saving tips? Again, plan and write down before you make purchases.
- How do you do it? Write everything down and keep receipts!
- Where do you find inspiration? My daughter. I do it for her. She deserves a beautiful life and a mother who inspires her to do her best with class and poise. My business is named after her (Noelle). She inspires me every day. I also find inspiration from other mompreneurs and women who have gone through what I am.
- As an entrepreneur/ mompreneur how do you balance? It’s hard! Scheduling and a planner helps. If I know today is my day to work of something specific, stick to that and minimize distractions. Also, prioritize. Work on what needs to be finished first. I also pray, meditate, do yoga, and run.
- How is it being an entrepreneur/ mompreneur running a business, working, or going to school? Overwhelming at times. I do all three. But you must want it! You just must.
- What advice would you give other entrepreneur/ mompreneur? It’s not going to happen overnight. If you want to be an entrepreneur to make some quick money, good luck. It must be your passion!
- With the kids and other things happening in your life, where and when do you find the time to work on your craft/business/ study? My daughter comes first. Whatever she needs is first. You must multi-task. I can be cooking dinner and calling out spelling words to her. Or reading a homework assignment between working on a shoe. You must get it in where you can fit it in. Be creative.

- What’s it like dating and being an entrepreneur/ mompreneur? It helps in a way. Because I’m so busy, I don’t have time for anything that isn’t worth my time. So, it kind of naturally weeds out the ones who aren’t serious. However, because I’m always on the go, I never have time to look up and see anyone. Lol. I’m dating now and he is very understanding.
- Other:
- · Sometimes you have to make tough decisions whether it’s personal, family, relationships or business. Do you ever feel misunderstood? Give examples or details. All the time. When God gives you a purpose, it’s not for everyone to understand. Everybody is not going to get you or like you. But faith in what you are called to do is the key. Keep focus on your purpose.
- · How important would you say is having a support system? Who’s a part of your circle? You got to have at least one person to bounce ideas off and receive encouragement from. My sister. I run a lot of ideas by her. Also, my best friend and boyfriend.
- · Have you ever felt judged being a entrepreneur/ mompreneur? How? When? People will judge you for simply not having a 9 – 5. We’ve been so conditioned to think that a career is the only way to earn a living. And when people see that you aren’t balling after the first month or year, they think you have failed. But perseverance is required for entrepreneurship. It’s not an overnight success story always. It takes years. But the freedom gain is priceless.
- · What’s one thing you’d like all of us entrepreneur/ mompreneur to know? Don’t quit because it’s hard. It’s going to be hard. Cry, pray, scream, shout, slow down, take a break, do whatever you must do. But if it is your passion, don’t quit!
Tell us how to find you:
FB Nikki Noelle Events and Design
IG @nikkinoelledeisngs
Email: nikkinoelle@hotmail.com
Hastags you live by: #prettywithapurpose
Nominate: Know of another entrepreneur/ mompreneur who has a great story –
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