New Year, New Goals
It's 2016 by now most of us have our goals all mapped out or some of us are still working on them. It's never to late - keep going! I once read that a person without a goal is like a ship leaving the harbor without a map, captain or crew. I think it's safe to say that if the ship actually ever leaves the harbor it wouldn't get to far. Last year I kept my goals in front of me everyday and I looked to them for reminders and inspiration. For me creating my goals takes time and real evaluation. I'm evaluating what I did before and how to make it better. I'm determining if the direction i'm headed in is still the best path. Nothing is perfect but for me setting goals is not just writing something on a piece of paper and tucking it away until the end of the year. Setting goals is a part of my success as a mom, entrepreneur and a woman. I encourage each of my mom, mompreneurs, entrepreneurs to not just set goals this year but instead let's live our goals. CG