Name: Honey Shea Sulich
Name of
Company: Honey Shea Studios
Years in
Business: 2yrs
· WHY: Tell
us why you started your business/blog – etc: There came a point in my life
where my skills and talents weren’t being used to there fullest potential. I
knew I had a lot to offer so I started putting them to good use for myself. By
the encouragement of my husband, who was deployed in Kuwait, asked me what do
you like to do? My answer was I enjoy
being creative.
The Easy Questions:
· When you were a kid what did you want to be when
you grew up? A teacher
What was your first business idea? Social Media
What do you wish you knew before starting your
business? Being my own personal accountant
What did you learn from your worse boss? How not
to treat your employees. Everyone should be treated equally
What’s your highest level of education? I left
high school after the 10th grade.
I have tried at least 5 attempts to obtain my GED. Scored higher every
time but never met the passing score. It was so heartbreaking. My ex husband
for years told me I was dumb and I would never amount to anything. When I
couldn’t pass my GED I started to believe he was right. But friends, as much as
I felt defeated I have never given up on achieving it. I have recently learned I’m dyslexic, which
explains why school was so hard, and why reading comprehension is the toughest
for me.
Who inspires you and why? I have so many
wonderful people around me that inspire me everyday. The storms they weather.
The mountains they climb. With my heavenly Father carring me through every
trial and test.
Top 3 books to read this summer? Chatter Box,
Girl Boss and Perfect over perfection. ( all audible books ) >> what a
brilliant invention for someone like me
What are you currently reading? Wild and Free
Let’s Talk About Business:
How do you maximize social media? Instagram is
my jam right now. But I use them all. Currently working on a google ad. But I
use all forms of social media available.
What did you learn from your biggest failure? Payment
first before starting a custom project.
How important is it for you to do your best? Very
How do you feel about failures? They used to get the best of me but not
anymore. What does it mean to fail? I’m not perfect we all make mistakes but
you have to take a step back and try to learn form those mistakes and failures.
Any money saving tips? I have currently managed
to do this business on cash with NO loans.
How do you do it?
Where do you find inspiration? God
As a (single mompreneur / mompreneur) how do you
balance? Prayer, Meditation and
How is it being a (single mompreneur / mompreneur)
running a business, working, or going to school? You have to create structure
and balance
What advice would you give other (single mompreneurs
/ mompreneurs)? Pursue your dreams!
With the kids and other things happening in your
life, where and when do you find the time to work on your craft/business/
Tell us how to find you:
Email: honey@honeysheastudios.com
Hastags you live by: #communityovercompetition
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